Love, Bring Me Back {A Tantra Stories Poem}
“Tantra Stories” is a series of touching testimonials from our Source School of Tantra Yoga seminar students. This story is a poem from a Tantra Student about receiving Sacred Spot Massage. Learn more about our Tantra Seminars HERE!

Love, I know you have to work very hard
Love, I know you are crying when I cry
Love, I know you can not stop helping me
Love, don’t leave me when I am weak
Love, keep your eyes open when it is painful to look…
Love, bring me back to me
Where the sunlight and the moon
Where I am not afraid anymore
Where everyone is kind and flowerish
Where smile and happiness live…
The child in me awaken so tender, trusting, lovely
I am again the child I was before
I trust, I smile, and I breathe like it was before
Long long long time ago
When the world was so innocent…
*Poetry by Larissa 2007