“We thought we loved each other as much as any two people, could but it seems that we had merely scratched the surface.” ~ Source Tantra Student
“Tantra Stories” is a series of touching testimonials from our Source School of Tantra Yoga seminar students. This story is written by a couple who renewed their relationship with Tantra.Learn more about our Tantra Seminars HERE!
We’ve waited all this time to write you because the Tantra workshop experience keeps on growing every day. We were waiting for it to come to a stop so that we could collect our feelings about it before writing, but we finally decided that it’s not ever going to stop growing, so here goes!
We are new people!
And I must tell you that life wasn’t so bad before our workshop. But now it seems to have expanded in all directions, deepened and taken on rich colors. We thought we loved each other as much as any two people, could but it seems that we had merely scratched the surface.
Mike feels that he will never look at a woman – any woman – the same way again. Much of the fear and anxiety has been taken out of it. And he has finally separated Jill from his mother – thank God. He sees her purely for what she is, a goddess.
And Jill feels that she is finally able to embrace her sorrow, rather than running from it, making her joy a thousand times greater. And she has learned to think of Mike’s sexuality as a sacred thing rather than an obligation.
We haven’t been out of bed much since our workshop. Our friends are puzzled. Our children are curious and our housekeeper walks around with a big smile on her face all the time. So many sheets to change!
We’ve been talking to some friends about Tantra. We know you said we should keep it in, but it’s hard not to want to share. As Ivan said, “You want to hold a sign up on the freeway that proclaims, ‘Tantra works!'”
Jill keeps saying to her women friends that for the first time in her life she’s learning to integrate her sexuality with her emotions and with her newfound spiritual self, so she feels that she’s finally a whole person.

Mike talks about the power he feels coming up his arm to his heart, and then traveling back to Jill’s heart – the endless circle of powerful love that seems to be redefining the way he looks at everything.
Mike says, feel the Shakti (powerful energy) travel up your left arm to your heart. Hold it there. While you both hold the breath, let the Shakti circulate around and through your heart. As you let out the air, send your heart energy down your right arm and into her heart. Make sure she knows that it carries all the love that’s been swimming around in your heart.
Then, start the in-breath again as the energy circles back through her center and then up your left arm. Continue this circular pattern for fifteen silent, intimate minutes.
We don’t have it all down yet. We marvel continuously at how well Charles and Leah orchestrated that weekend, how they made a safe place for all of us, how they made us all brave.
Thank you, Charles and Leah, for bringing so much love into our lives.
- Mark and Jill, Tantra Students