Discover what it’s like for women who practice Tantra Yoga together in a Goddess Retreat:
CTE Spotlight with Leah Alchin, ACTE Associate, Vice President of Source School of Tantra Yoga and Lead Teacher for the Goddess Weekend
As I began my Tantra journey I soon came to realize three crucial things I needed to fully heal my sexual wounds:
1. There are some things I can only heal with the Masculine…. meaning: it’s like a man has a treasure for me that unlocks a key to my essential Self. I need them to hold me, see me, and support me in order to find it, feel it, and integrate it. Thank you my brothers!
2. And then there are things only ‘I’ can heal with myself…. damn, this one is hard because it confronts Self Love. It’s an inside game that can not rely on the intellect alone…. duh… I mean, how many Oprah episodes can we watch? We all know “we should have good self esteem”, but watching Oprah or taking tests in Cosmo never got us there. Why?
Because Self Love is an emotional experience. We have to physically, energetically, and emotionally put the love we so easily give to others into OURSELVES!
I learned no better way to deeply experience the Self Actualization of Self Love until I began giving myself Sacred Spot Massage.
3. And finally, there are some things we can only heal with the Feminine… Another Sister is the only one who holds this precious key to our Essential Self.
A trusting women who can stand in for all women who have injured us, be it a mother, grandmother, sister, childhood friend, or that “other women” who may have snared a lover from our grasp.
A women who can hold the Sacred, who can hold our heart and our body, who can midwife us into forgiveness, love, and spiritual depths.
This is the type of ritual that’s possible when women gather to heal.
And let me tell you, that’s only the beginning… Something magical happens when women gather to practice Tantra Yoga.
There is a spoken agreement to leave each other better than the way we find each other. We all endeavor to re-create a space that women once engaged, something ancient… potent… spiritually rich… filled with intuitive trust… and filled with emotional intelligence.
Often times women are drawn to practice together because their wounds with the masculine are too great… they can’t trust a man to help them feel the hurts yet.

They need to tackle that injury first with a women, a sister who can stand in and protect her heart as she begins to unpack that divorce… or rape… or molestation… or abandonment from her father… or an alcoholic parent… or that patriarchal spiritual wound that stands in her way of truly loving not just herself but all men… or simply the man in her life…. or her father… or the lover of the future…. or just wanting to be a better person.
How do Tantricas get there? My deepest experiences have been through Sacred Spot Massage with my sisters:
Usually three women work together to exchange roles of being the Doula, the Midwife, and the women who is “Birthing Herself”. It’s a therapeutic massage to the WHOLE body, including the vulva… which is something very, very, few women have experienced.
You see, our genitals are either sexualized or treated clinically. They are rarely (or almost never) simply held or massaged to remove tension.
YOU will be AMAZED by the amount of tension we hold in our inner thighs, groin, pubic mound, throughout our vulva and internally! Seriously…. when you start to consciously and lovingly remove the tightness and stored resentment, the freedom you can feel is AWESOME!
I was SHOCKED! I couldn’t believe how many (as I like to call them) “hot spots”, “gnarly bits”, “owies”, “burnies”, and “bruises” I had. And our only job is to release this “stuff”, let go, give it up! Won’t that be wonderful?
It is! And here’s how to do it…
Breathe baby breathe! Give it a yell, give a voice to that “stuff”. It’s like giving birth: you breathe, sound, stretch, contract and then fall in love. The deepest love for yourself and the friends you had your back… and your front.
Watch this video from an interview conducted by Imani Mamalution of Sexy Superfoods speaking to Tantra Expert Leah Alchin about the benefits of women practicing Tantra together.
Leah describes how reigniting ancient practices can heal sexual wounds and inspire women to be more connected to their essential, sensual nature.
Discover for yourself how having a coming of age initiation is never too late. …
To learn more about the Goddess Retreats that Leah facilitates go to for more information on locations, dates, and to register.
Leah Alchin has been a practicing Tantrika since 1997 and has been co-teaching seminars with Charles Muir since 2004. She is an Advanced Certified Tantra Educator ® and serves as Vice President at the Source School of Tantra Yoga.
Leah has assisted couples and individuals all over the world through More Love Seminars, Source School of Tantra Yoga Seminars, Instructor Training Courses, and her private practice, Dakini Love, to assist people in finding More Love.
To learn about Leah and her private practice go to